Friday, April 20, 2012

SDM stopped in Solman

Go to \usr\sap\\JC\SDM\program

sdm.bat jstartup "mode=standalone"

sdm.bat j2eeenginestartstop "mode=automatic"

sdm.bat jstartup "mode=integrated"


Friday, January 27, 2012

What are common transport errors?

Return code (4) indicates imported ended with warning.
1. Generation of programs and screens
2. Columns missing and Rows missing.

Return code (8) indicates not imported ended with error
1. Syntax error.
2. Program generation error.
3. Dictionary activation error.
4. Method execution error.

Return code (12) indicates import is cancelled.
1. Import is cancelled due to object missing.
2. Objects are not active.
3. Program terminated due to job RDDEXECL is not working.

Return code (16) indicates import is cancelled.
1. Import cancelled due to system down while importing.
2. Import cancelled due to user expires while
3. Import cancelled due to insufficient roles.