Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Add information to your logon screen

Follow these steps to add information to your logon screen:
1. Run tcode --> SE61
2. In the data element field --> ZLOGIN_SCREEN_INFO
3. Document Class --> Select General Text
4. Click create
5. Prag format --> Standard

@6K@ 000 SAP Standard Client
@ 100 Sanbox Client
@GS@ 200 Training & Quality Client
@4A@ 300 Customizing Client

6. To locate the icon code: tcode BIBS --> Element --> Icon Overview

You may also output icons at the beginning of lines by using an icon code (for example, @1D@ for the STOP icon). You can get a list of icon codes from Report RSTXICON. Pay attention to the codes with two '@' symbols displayed by the report. You cannot include text symbols. The 'include indicator' cannot be used for this function. SUBHINT here. These can be used on system messages as well.