Monday, June 20, 2011

SAP Central User Administration(CUA)

Here is the procedure for Central user administration configuration in a landscape:
1) Create Logical systems to all clients for the landscape using BD54 or SALE ascomfortable.
2) Attach Logical system to clients using Same.
3) Create RFC connection to relevant systems with the same name as logical system name .
If you Logical system name is SIDCLNT100 for dev then create RFC connection to DEV with same name SIDCLNT100.
4) Let us suppose you Central system: DEVCLNT100Child system: QASCLNT200
5) Create user CUA_DEV_100 in devclnt100 system
4. Create user CUA_QAS_200 in quaclnt200 system.
Create RFC’s to child systems from central and central to child.
5) Now logon to central system and execute tcode scua to configure cua.
Enter the name of the distribution model: CUA
Press create
Enter ALL Child system RFC’s
Save your entries now result screen will appear
If you expand the nodes for
the individual systems, you normally see the following messages for
each system: .ALE distribution model was saved,. .Central User
Administration activated,. and .Text comparison was started.. If
problem messages are displayed here, follow the procedure in SAP
Note 333441:
6) Setting the Parameters for Field Distribution Enter Tcode SCUM in central system following screen will appearNow maintain your filed distribution and save it.You can use transaction SUCOMP to administer company address data.You can use transaction SCUG in the central system to perform thesynchronization activities between the central system and the childsystems by selecting your child system on the initial screen of transactionSCUG and then choosing Synchronize Company Addresses in the Central System
After you have synchronized the company addresses, you can transfer theusers from the newly connected child systems to central administration.
This is done, as with the synchronization of the company addresses, using
transaction SCUG in the central system. To do this, on the initial screen of
transaction SCUG, select your child system and choose the Copy Users to
the Central System button.
You can use the report RSCCUSND from the central system of Central User Administration (CUA) to synchronize the master data of selected users with a child system of the CUA. The report sends the master data (including role and profile assignments) to a child system of the CUA.

If master data exists in the child system for the user sent, it is overwritten.
1. Start report RSCCUSND (for example, using transaction SA38).
2. In the Receiving System field, specify the child system to which you want to send the user data.
3. You can use the fields User and User Group to restrict the number of users.
4. Specify the data that you want to distribute under Distribution Options.
5. Choose Execute.