Monday, June 20, 2011

PRD Disaster Recovery

The entire procedure for DRS switchover

1. Take Offline backup of the PRD Database.
2. In SM02, Put message on the PRD system.
3. On PRD,

Connect Internal;
Alter system switch logfile;
Do switch log file 3-4 times.

4. In DRS, apply up to the last Archive Log created in PRD.
5. On PRD, Stop R/3, Shutdown Database And Stop SAP & Oracle Services.
6. On PRD, Backup Mirrlog A, Mirrlog B, Origlog A, Origlog B & Control file of PRD.
7. Shutdown DRS Database & Stop Oracle Services.
8. On DRS, Backup Mirrlog A, Mirrlog B, Origlog A, Origlog B & Control file of DRS.
9. Copy the redo log files & control files from PRD (production DB System) to DRS (DRS DB System). Copy the control file to all the locations on DRS (OriglogA, Saparch & Sapdata1 sub-folders).
10. Start the Oracle Services on DRS.
11. In DRS
Start SVRMGR30
Connect Internal;
Startup Mount;
Recover Database; (Ensure the message ‘Media Recovery Complete’ appears).
Alter databases Open; (This opens in NORESETLOGS mode).
12. Start SAPOSCOL, SAP_00 services on DRS.
13. Start SAP R/3 application on DRS.
14. Logon to the DRS System through SAP Logon Pad.
15. Check the System Status & transactions like SM51, ST22, and SM21 Etc.


16. On DRS, Stop R/3, Shutdown Database and Stop SAP & Oracle Services.
17. Copy the redo log files & control files from DRS (DRS DB System) to PRD (production DB System). Copy the control file to all the locations on PRD (OriglogA, Saparch & Sapdata1 sub-folders).
18. Start the Oracle services on the DRS.
19. Start the Oracle Services on PRD.
20. In PRD
Start SVRMGR30
Connect Internal;
Startup Mount;
Recover Database; (Ensure the message ‘Media Recovery Complete’ appears).
Alter databases Open; (This opens in NORESETLOGS mode).
21. Start SAPOSCOL, SAP_00 services on PRD.
22. Start SAP R/3 application on PRD.
23. Logon to the PRD System through SAP Logon Pad.
24. Check the System Status & transactions like SM51, ST22, and SM21 Etc.
Note: - DRS: DRS database server
PRD: Production database server

SAP System Copy Procedure

This one is for ECC 6.0 on SQL 2005 in Windows Server 2003

This document describes how to perform a homogeneous system copy of an MS SQL Server database by using the backup/restore method, or the detach/attach method in an SAP environment. The SAPinst installation tool supports both methods.

The backup/restore method and the detach/attach method have the following advantages compared to the R3load/database independent method:

You can use an existing backup

The process is much faster

Pre-Copy Requirements

• An SAP ECC 6.0 system, QAS, (similar to PRD in memory and disk configuration) should be installed with a valid SAP license key. (NOTE: Be certain that both the DNS name and NetBIOS name of the server are in all CAPITALS, 8 characters or less, and contain no special characters.)
• The source system should be backed up (Full Backup) and the media should be accessible from the target system.
• Perform a backup of the original QAS system to restore to in case of difficulties.
• Anything from the target that will need to be restored (user definitions, profiles, jobs, printers, RFC destinations, etc.) after the copy must be saved out. In addition, take a snapshot of the client change settings (SCC4), system change options (SE03), workbench organizer/transport system configuration (SE06), and any other setting that will need to be restored in the target system.
• Identify which transports exist in QAS but not in PRD and remind the owners that all transports which have not moved to PRD before the copy will no longer exist in QAS. Preferably, everything should be pushed through pre-copy (including LCP and CRT imports, Hot Packs, and other SAP transports associated with notes).
• Communicate to everyone that any spool data, datasets, master data, etc. which exist only in QAS will need to be moved elsewhere, printed out, or otherwise repositioned before the copy.
• Security profiles and user lists need to be repositioned so they can be recreated post-copy.
• Any external programs affected by the move (BSI, etc.) must be dealt with post-copy.

System Copy Steps

1. Create Java Export files from the source system:
a. Logon to the source server as an administrator

b. Execute sapinst.exe from the Installation Master media

c. Go to SAP ERP 6.0 > Software Life-Cycle Options > System Copy > MS SQL Server > Source System Export > Central System > Based on AS ABAP and AS Java > Database and Central Instance and click “Next”

d. Enter \PRD\SYS\profile in the Profile Directory field, and click “Next”

e. Enter the Administrative Password and click “Next”

f. Select Use database specific tools and click “Next”

g. Enter the backup directory you wish to use for the java migration data in the Export Location field and click “Next”

h. Verify the information in the Parameter Summary screen and click “Next”

i. The export should take 15 to 20 minutes

j. Copy the export directory to the Target Server for later use

2. Stop the target SAP system with the SAP Management Console
3. Make a copy of all the files in the \QAS\SYS\profile\ directory
4. Create a new backup of the source SAP system database

5. Restore the target SAP system database from the backup created in step 4. Depending on database size this can take several minutes or several hours.

6. Run the SAP-provided system copy tool:

a. Logon to the target server as an administrator

b. Execute sapinst.exe from the Installation Master media

c. Go to SAP ERP 6.0 > Software Life-Cycle Options > System Copy > MS SQL Server > Target System Installation > Central System > Based on AS ABAP and AS Java > Central System and click “Next”

d. Select Custom Parameter Mode and click “Next”

e. Browse to the Java Components installation media and click “Next”

f. Leave the default path for JDK Directory and click “Next”

g. Enter the target system ID (QAS) and click “Next”

h. Enter the Administrative Password in both fields and click “Next”

i. Enter the Administrative Password in both fields and click “Next”

j. Select Homogeneous System Copy and click “Next”

k. Leave the default Database Connection and click “Next”

l. Select Use Existing Database and click “Next”

m. Leave the default settings and click “Next”

n. Leave the default settings and click “Next”

o. Leave the default settings and click “Next”

p. Leave the default settings and click “Next”

q. Browse to the Migration Export copied in step 1-j and click “Next”

r. Enter J2EE_ADMIN in the Administrator User field, enter the Administrative Password in both password fields, and click “Next”

s. Leave the default settings and click “Next”

t. Enter the Administrative Password and click “Next”

u. Browse to the Kernel installation media and click “Next”

v. Verify the information in the Parameter Summary screen and click “Next”

w. Enter the Solution Manager Key and click “Next” *see appendix for generating the Solution Manager Key

x. Depending on system size, this may take several minutes or several hours

7. Stop the target SAP system using the SAP Management Console

8. Restore the files copied in step 3

9. Start the target SAP system

10. Cancel any production batch jobs:

a. Transaction SM37, enter job name, user “*”, and date range including the next day, job status “released” and click “execute”

b. Select the job, go to the Job menu and click “released->scheduled”

11. Delete Source System profiles and Import the correct SAP profiles

a. Transaction RZ10

b. Go to Utilities > Import Profiles > Of Active Servers

12. Delete Source System Licenses and install the new Licenses

a. Transaction SLICENSE, click “New Licenses”

b. Select Each license and go to Edit > Delete License

c. Click Install and enter the path to the license key file provided by SAP in the browse field and click Open

d. If you are unable to install the permanent license key, it may be necessary to truncate the SAPLIKEY table first, then repeat 12-c

13. Reinitialize in the transport domain

a. Logon to client 000

b. Transaction STMS

14. (Optional) Change the login screen to reflect the correct system information

a. Transaction SE61

b. Select general text, ZLOGIN_SCREEN_INFO, change

c. Change the text and save

15. Change the Logical System

a. Transaction SCC4

b. Click the edit button

c. Double-click client 100

d. Change the Client Role to Test, and save

e. Then change the Logical System to the appropriate name, and save

16. If you are using workflow, you will need to reinitialize it

a. Transaction SWU3

b. Execute the line items marked with a red ‘X’

17. If you are using BI, re-activate the system in RSA1 on the BI system
18. Check the BSI Tax Factory connection by executing report RPUBTCU0 from Transaction SE38. The results should show no errors. Warnings are okay.

19. Verify the Adobe Document Services connection
a. Transaction SM59

b. Edit the HTTP connection ADS

c. Go to the Logon & Security tab and enter the Administrative Password in the password field, and save

d. Transaction SE38

e. Execute program FP_TEST_00, print preview to test ADS connection

f. A simple adobe form with lines and numbers will be rendered if successful

20. Apply any necessary transports
21. Change the logical spool server to point to correct system:

a. Transaction SPAD

b. Select Display for Spool Servers

c. Double click SAP_PRINT SERVER

d. Click the change button

e. In the mapping field select the appropriate application server, and save

22. Lock/Unlock users as necessary, using Transaction SU01
23. Stop and restart the SAP system
24. Run SGEN to recompile programs and reports

25. Run BDLS to change logical system


- Generating a solution manager key

o Logon to any solution manager system

o Transaction SMSY

o Click the Other Object…

o In the System field, type in QAS

o Click the Generate Installation/Upgrade Key

o Verify the information is correct and click on Generate Key

o Copy the Installation/Upgrade Key for use in step 6-w

- The target system is installed using the exports from the source system - On the SAPinst screen SAP SystemDatabase make sure to select Homogeneous System Copy (MS SQL Server-specific: Detach/Attach or Backup).

- For more information about the system copy procedure, see also SAP Notes 193816 and 151603.

- With SQL Server, you can use backup images across the platforms I386, IA64, x64. That is, you can make a backup on one type of platform and use it on another type.

- You can only attach SQL Server 2000 files to SQL Server 2005 but not vice versa.

Kernel Upgrade

Download Latest SAP kernel From Service Market Place:
1. Copy the patch into a temporary directory on your system.
2. Unpack the patch using SAPCAR.
3. Stop the SAP System. (With NT you may also have to stop the SAP services using the Control Panel).
4. Save the kernel directory by backup or by copying into a separate backup directory.UNIX: /usr/sap//sys/exe/run NT: :\usr\sap\\sys\exe\run If you use a 4.6D-based SAP system (64-bit, non-Unicode) or a SAP system 6.20 or higher (32-bit or 64-bit, Unicode or non-Unicode), there are also the following kernel directories:NT: :\usr\sapsys\exe\nuc\ (Non-Unicode)NT: :\usr\sapsys\exe\uc\ (Unicode)
5. This way, you will always have the option to return to the old kernelversion if problems occur with the new patch.
6. Copy or move the unpacked programs into the SAP kernel directory.
For Complete Info Follow SAP NOTE 19466

Kernel Upgrade on Unix Systems:

A lot of people have questions ? answer are even available... but still... even experienced basis admin having trouble now with Kernel Upgrade Here I am Sharing My Experience To Upgarde Kernel On Unix!
1) stopsap
2) clean shared memory
3) saposcol -k
4) ps -ef grep sapstartsrv
5) kill
6) cleanipc
7) lsnrctl stop
8) backup your kernel
9) cd /sapmnt/
10) cp -pr exe exe.001
11) extract new kernel
12) cd exe
13) SAPCAR -xvf
14) Start saposcol
15) startlistener
16) startsap

Unlock SAP* and DDIC

If SAP* and DDIC logins are locked and you are not able to login through SAP GUI then we can unlock SAP* and DDIC at database level by resetting the flags of SAP* and DDIC to 0 in the table USR02 where all the user records are saved. When the logins are locked out then the flag value will be 128. If we change it to 0 at database level then it will get unlocked.

Below is the query for resetting the flag

UPDATE prd.USR02 set UFLAG = '00' where MANDT = '000' and bname= 'DDIC';

Here prd is the database name; UFLAG is the field which we need to set to 0, MANDT represents in which client the login belongs to and BNAME is the field which contains logins. If you want to reset the flag for SAP* when it gets locked then replace DDIC with SAP* in above query.

1) Login to database using / as sysdba
2) select aname from sapsr3.usr02 where mandt=000;
3)delete from sapsr3.usr02 where bname='SAP*' and mandt=000;

SAP Central User Administration(CUA)

Here is the procedure for Central user administration configuration in a landscape:
1) Create Logical systems to all clients for the landscape using BD54 or SALE ascomfortable.
2) Attach Logical system to clients using Same.
3) Create RFC connection to relevant systems with the same name as logical system name .
If you Logical system name is SIDCLNT100 for dev then create RFC connection to DEV with same name SIDCLNT100.
4) Let us suppose you Central system: DEVCLNT100Child system: QASCLNT200
5) Create user CUA_DEV_100 in devclnt100 system
4. Create user CUA_QAS_200 in quaclnt200 system.
Create RFC’s to child systems from central and central to child.
5) Now logon to central system and execute tcode scua to configure cua.
Enter the name of the distribution model: CUA
Press create
Enter ALL Child system RFC’s
Save your entries now result screen will appear
If you expand the nodes for
the individual systems, you normally see the following messages for
each system: .ALE distribution model was saved,. .Central User
Administration activated,. and .Text comparison was started.. If
problem messages are displayed here, follow the procedure in SAP
Note 333441:
6) Setting the Parameters for Field Distribution Enter Tcode SCUM in central system following screen will appearNow maintain your filed distribution and save it.You can use transaction SUCOMP to administer company address data.You can use transaction SCUG in the central system to perform thesynchronization activities between the central system and the childsystems by selecting your child system on the initial screen of transactionSCUG and then choosing Synchronize Company Addresses in the Central System
After you have synchronized the company addresses, you can transfer theusers from the newly connected child systems to central administration.
This is done, as with the synchronization of the company addresses, using
transaction SCUG in the central system. To do this, on the initial screen of
transaction SCUG, select your child system and choose the Copy Users to
the Central System button.
You can use the report RSCCUSND from the central system of Central User Administration (CUA) to synchronize the master data of selected users with a child system of the CUA. The report sends the master data (including role and profile assignments) to a child system of the CUA.

If master data exists in the child system for the user sent, it is overwritten.
1. Start report RSCCUSND (for example, using transaction SA38).
2. In the Receiving System field, specify the child system to which you want to send the user data.
3. You can use the fields User and User Group to restrict the number of users.
4. Specify the data that you want to distribute under Distribution Options.
5. Choose Execute.

SOLMAN Service Desk Configuration

Configuration of Service Desk On Solution Manager 7.0
First Step Follow This Link
Service Desk Configuration .
Some Tips That can Help you :
1)In case you fail at step where you need to fetch component using transaction DSWP go to note no. 926419.
2) In case you face internal error while executing DSWP follow this note:1059271.
3)While Configuring Service Desk If you face error like "report CRM_MKTBP_ZCACL_UPDATE_30" follow note :450640
4)Other than these notes can also Help 864195 Problems when you create support message in Solution Mngr,949292 Solution Manager: Service Desk Related SAP Notes.

Email Configuration(Sending Mail from SAP) SMTP

Steps to Sending Internet Mail from SAP R/3
As of SAP Web Application Server 6.10, the SAP system's kernel supports SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) directly, meaning that e-mails can be exchanged between the SAP system and any SMTP-compliant mail server without the need for any additional external components.

SAP OSS Note 455140 can be referred for Configuring Internet Mail in SAP R/3 WAS 6.10 and above & the following steps are to be followed for the same;

Changing Profile Parameter (Txn RZ10)
Following 2 parameters to be included in the instance profile Parameters
is/SMTP/virt_host_0 = *:25000
icm/server_port_0 = PROT=SMTP,PORT=25000
Save/Activate the Profile & R/3 Instance to be stopped/Started

User Creation (Txn SU01)
This user will be used for the process of sending outbound e-mail from SAP R/3, as a background process.
User ID mailadmin user to be created with profile S_A.SCON & type is System User.

Client Assignment (Txn SICF)

In transaction SICF, there should be one SMTP server (called SAPconnect) supplied in every SAP system. Use this one for the first client then create (if required) an additional SMTP server for each additional client. Following settings are to be done;

Host data

Profile Parameter No. : 0

Service data

Client & user details entered (say client 100 with user mailadmin)

Handler list

Entered CL_SMTP_EXT_SAPCONNECT as item 1.

As of SAP Web AS 6.20, each SMTP server has to be activated (Service/Virt. Host ® Activate) after being created or changed.

SAPconnect Administration (Txn SCOT)

Make the SAPconnect settings in each client that is to be used to send communications.

There is always one SMTP node in each client. This node is created by the SAP system and cannot be deleted. To configure the node for sending Internet mail,

Ensure you are in the Node view.
Double-click on the node name.
Select Node in use.
Specify the mail server (to which outbound mails are to be passed in Mail Host and
Mail Server : mailservername
Port : 25

Choose Set adjacent to Internet.

Specify the address areas of recipient addresses that are to be reached via this node. This is usually * if all e-mails are to be sent using SMTP. Enter output formats for SAP documents. The following settings are recommended here:

SAPscript/Smart Forms : PDF
Business Object/Link : HTM
RAW Text : TXT


Default domain should be given as follows

Txn SCOT à Menu Option à Settings à Default Domain à

E-mails sent from an SAP application are merely put into a queue. A periodic background process, known as the SAPconnect send job, takes the e-mails from this queue and sends them via the Internet. To schedule this job from SAPconnect administration, you:

Choose View ® Jobs.
If there is not already a job scheduled, choose Job ® Create.
Enter a job name “SEND INTERNET MAIL” and confirm.
Select the variant SAP&CONNECTALL by placing the cursor on it.
Choose Schedule Job.
Choose Schedule Periodically.
Enter an appropriate time period, such as 30 minutes.
Choose Create.

Activate Web GUI for SAP

Follow Steps to Activate Web GUI for SAP:
1) Verify if the ICM is working correctly.
Transaction SMICM (ICM Monitor)displays the central entry point to the ICM configuration and monitoring.
After starting thistransaction, you will see the ICM status.
Make sure it is running. Check the following ICMparameters via Menu-> Goto -> Parameters ->Display:icm/server_port_0 PROT=HTTP,PORT=8000icm/host_name_full server.full.domain
2)With transaction SICF and locate theservices by path/sap/public/bc/its/mimes/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui
3)Activate the full path to these services
4)Browse to http://(server_name):icmport/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui/ and login to thewebgui.
If you still have any problem to run WEBGUI run this transaction SIAC_PUBLISH_ALL_INTERNAL

SAP Library(Online Help)

1) Copy the SAP Library DVD on Drive where Page file and DB file should not be reside.
2) Share the ..\htmlhelp\helpdata directory with the name of SAPHelp
3) Execute the Transaction SR13
4) Click on HtmlHelpFile Tab
5) Click on New Entries
6) Enter the Data in Corresponding columnvariant....Sap libraryplatform...Win32area .....IWBhelppath........\\ipaddress of server\sharename of saphelplanguage...en7) Create your own requests with the description SAP LIBRARY on ECC 6
8) Save & exit
9) Go to Help Menu. Setting…application help
10) Chose IWBehlp and click on Choose Area then select setting variant and from the menu select the SAP Library.

Monday, March 14, 2011

SAP GUI Auto logout

You set this Parameter : rdisp/gui_auto_logout = "Auto_logout_time in" transaction RZ10.

Add in the above parameter in the Default Profile - Options Extended Maintenance.

Restart the R/3 instance.

Maximum No. Of SAP Session Per User

You set this Parameter : rdisp/max_alt_modes in transaction RZ10.

Add in the above parameter in the Instance Profile - Options Extended Maintenance.

Restart the R/3 instance.

The default maximum no. of sessions in 4.6x is set as 6 session per user.

Most company will reduced the number of session per user but not increase it.